Speaking at Valedictory function of three day Asia Economic dialogue, Union Minister for Industry & Commerce, Mr Piyush Goyal said that Korean Auto Industries have costed India billions of dollars in trade.
Mr.Goyal added that Korean auto industry in India, specifically Hyundai & Kia are two of the laggards, continue to import indiscriminately and are costing India dearly.
He said, taking advantage of bilateral agreement, Japan and S.Korea, import steel (raw material) indiscriminately from their respective countries,resulting in huge deficit in profits as far as India is concerned, since these companies have been able to sell their automobiles & import tonnes of steels without any losses. whereas India, even though their governments do not stop export of steel from India, India can't sell even a single tonne of steel in those countries' markets due to the Local's high nationalistic spirit .
Also added that As far as the selling goes, the Indian customer buys their product due to their cheaper appeal(cost), whereas people in Japan and Korea will buy from indigenous sources, even if it costs more.