In continuation of part-1 of the article on Credit Guarantee scheme for SME, we will see other points in detail:
Coverage Criteria:
Guarantee charges (Amendment-Revision wef 01.04.2023)
The trust provides credit guarantees to the eligible money lending institutions at a nominal guarantee fee.
In line with the revamping done to the credit guarantee scheme to increase credit flow to MSEs, there was also revision in Guarantee fee rates applicable for guarantees wrt all activity (including trading) approved on or after 01.4.2023 including enhancements of existing covered accounts.
They are :
The guarantee fee is charged as per the above mentioned slabs on the guaranteed amount for the 1st year and on outstanding basis for subsequent years. It is charged till completion of loan tenure or claim settlement, whichever is earlier.
Guarantee fee is payable by MLIs to the fund, even on claim lodged cases until the settlement of first claim.
It is discretion of the MLIs to determine whether to pass on the incidence of guarantee fee to the borrower or to bear it themselves.
Guarantee cover:
Guarantee provided by the CGTMSE, commences from the date on which the guarantee fee proceeds are credited to the bank account of the trust.
In case of term loan/composite credit: guarantee by the trust shall be for the period of agreed tenure of the credit.
In cases where Working capital facility alone is provided to the mse borrowers,: then the guarantee cover is for 5 years
and in case of renewals, for a block of 5 years.
These guarantees continue to be valid for the said period provided the MLIs pay the annual service fee within the due date or time extended, as specified by the trust.
Claim settlement:
In case of default by the MSE borrower,
The lender shall prefer a claim (lodge) with the trust, wrt defaulted account and also initiate recovery proceedings under due process of law.
However invoking of guarantee is possible, after lock in period of 18 months, either from the date of last disbursement or from the date of guarantee coming into force, whichever is later.
The trust after ensuring the MLI has complied with procedural aspects of lodging complaint, shall honour 75% of the default and balance 25% on conclusion of recovery proceedings.
For MSEs to lodge claims with the trust, for settlement of guarantees given, wrt loan outstanding & in default upto ₹10 Lakhs: initiation of legal proceedings is no longer required (amendment w.e.f 01.04.2023)
Even after the trust settles the claim (issues 1st installment) to the MLI, the MLI continues to be responsible for recovery of the amount in default from the borrower, and on recovery, MLI should remit the amount net of legal expense to the trust.